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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Enhance Your Hourglass Shape

Posted March 06, 2019 in Hourglass Shape

For many women, having a slim physique is not enough. The hourglass frame has always been one of the most desirable body shapes: a narrow waist with defined curves above and below. While this shape is considered ideal, it is not always easy to come by without help, as it can be difficult to tone certain areas with only diet and exercise. Dr. Careaga offers a series of cosmetic procedures to provide you with a shapely hourglass figure.

Narrow the Waist

Just like an actual hourglass, the center of your body, the waist, should be the narrowest point on your figure. Unfortunately, the abdomen and waist are notoriously difficult to tone and sculpt, especially when you factor in genetics, aging, pregnancies, poor diet, and a busy schedule. For patients who are having difficulty achieving the abdominal contours they want, body sculpting procedures such as liposuction and SculpSure® can come to the rescue.

Your Surgical Options

Liposuction removes stubborn pockets of fat from the abdomen and back to create the all-important central part of the hourglass. Liposuction is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure that permanently suctions out unwanted fat cells. Depending on how much fat is removed, and whether or not pregnancies, aging, or previous weight loss have resulted in loose skin on the abdomen, tummy tuck surgery may be recommended.

Your Non-surgical Options

While surgery offers the most significant amount of fat removal, it is not right for every patient. SculpSure® is a non-surgical body contouring procedure that creates a noticeable slimming effect when performed on the abdomen. SculpSure® uses light-based energy to target and heat unwanted fat cells. This heat damages and destroys the fat while leaving the healthy tissues unharmed. The damaged cells are then naturally eliminated by the body. While this procedure cannot remove as many fat cells as liposuction, it is a non-invasive alternative that results in no scarring and requires little to no downtime.

Enhance the Surrounding Features

Once you narrow the waist, you can then look to the areas above and below it to finalize the hourglass shape. To achieve this shape, you ideally want the flare of the hips and buttocks to be roughly the same as the breasts so that you maintain balance on the top and bottom. To enhance and enlarge these features, breast augmentation and the Brazilian Butt Lift can provide the necessary help.

Enhance the Butt

The Brazilian Butt Lift adds shape, volume, and lift to a backside that is naturally small or has been altered due to age or weight loss. The Brazilian Butt Lift is a two-step procedure that relies on fat transfer. The first part of this is to attain the needed fat through liposuction. For most patients looking to achieve the hourglass shape, this fat has already been removed from the abdomen and waist. Once the fat has been harvested and prepared, it is then added back to the buttocks to create a shapely, voluminous, and lifted backside.

Non-surgical Buttock Enhancement

There are also non-surgical options to enhance the buttocks. Sculptra® Aesthetic is an injectable treatment that can be used to add volume to the buttocks. It is made of poly-L-lactic acid and results can last up to two years. Emsculpt® is another non-surgical way to lift the buttocks. It uses electromagnetic energy to contract the muscles more powerfully than is possible with conventional exercises. The combination of fat burning and muscle building that this procedure provides results in a lifted, more shapely butt.

Don’t Forget About the Breasts

Breast augmentation with implants generates larger, more voluptuous, shapely breasts that are in perfect balance with the rest of your body frame. This procedure is often performed alongside the above procedures to provide harmony between the breasts and hips. Some patients may be better served by a breast lift (mastopexy). This procedure can be performed using implants if desired (augmentation mastopexy) and involves the removal of excess skin and breast tissue as well as the reduction and repositioning of the nipple-areolar complex. Breasts that have begun to sag due to weight loss, age, or breastfeeding can be repositioned to a more youthful position on the chest.

Contact Us Today

For more information on any of these procedures, or to set up a consultation, contact Dr. Careaga by calling (305) 960-7511 or by filling out our online contact form.


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