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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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5 Facts Every Woman Should Know About Breast Augmentation

Posted November 25, 2019 in Breast Augmentation

5 min read

Women who are unhappy with the size of their breasts sometimes consider breast augmentation.

This procedure inserts silicone or saline implants in the chest to enhance the size and shape of the breasts.

Women enjoying her enhanced breasts after breast augmentation.

Women enjoying her enhanced breasts after breast augmentation.

While the concept of breast augmentation is straightforward, there are some things you should know before your procedure.

1. Breast Augmentation Does Not Lead to Breast Cancer

There has always been a rumor about how breast augmentation can cause breast cancer, but a rumor is all it ever was.

The Food and Drug Administration recently found a link between breast implant-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) and certain breast implants.

“Of the 573 cases of BIA-ALCL, 481 are reported to have Allergan™ breast implants at the time of diagnosis.” – Food and Drug Administration, press release

According to the release from the FDA, Allergan™ brand textured implants were found to have a higher number of BIA-ALCL related cases than other types of implants.

“Based on the currently available information, including the newly submitted data, our analysis demonstrates that the risk of BIA-ALCL with Allergan™ BIOCELL® textured implants is approximately 6 times the risk of BIA-ALCL with textured implants from other manufacturers marketing in the U.S….” – Food and Drug Administration, press release

This has led many patients to consider breast implant removal to remove their implant entirely or revision to switch out their implant with a non-textured alternative.

It is important to note that the FDA has recommended you do not remove your implants unless you are experiencing BIA-ALCL symptoms.

2. Implants of the Same CCs Are Not the Same

Implants are sized in CCs (cubic centimeters). The number of CCs determines the size of the implant, but this can often be misleading.

Implants are not only offered in different sizes, filling materials, and textures, but they are also available in various profiles.

Two implants with identical CCs measurements will look very different if they have different profiles.

The profile describes how much the implant projects from the chest wall. Implants of different profiles have varying widths at their base that affect how high the implant sits.

Implants with smaller bases provide greater projection that those with larger bases.

The implant profile should be chosen based on the body’s proportions, and the aesthetic results the patients hope to attain.

Implants profiles range from low profile to ultra-high profile.

  • Low profile implants are relatively flat and do not project much from the chest. These implants are ideal for women with broader shoulders and chests.
  • Moderate profile implants have smaller bases than low profile implants and project further off the chest. These implants tend to have the most natural-looking results and are ideal for women with smaller chests.
  • High profile implants have a small base but still much higher and project much further. These implants are designed for petite women with narrow chest walls.
Before and after for a breast augmentation performed in Coral Gables, Florida.

Before and after for a breast augmentation performed in Coral Gables, Florida.

3. Bigger Implants May Not Be Better

Women interested in breast augmentation wish to enhance fullness and/or shape to their breasts. For some women, this means desiring a significantly large implant.

While women with small natural breasts can benefit from larger implants, smaller implants should not be overlooked.

Sometimes, women with less natural breast tissue experience complications with larger implants because they do not have sufficient tissue to cover the implant. Some of these complications include thinning skin and loss of sensation.

Larger implants are also heavier, making them more susceptible to premature sagging.

Smaller implants can sometimes provide a more natural look result while maintaining comfort.

4. Crisalix Lets You Preview the Way Your Breast Augmentation Will Look

The uncertainty of what your results will look like when all is said and done is one of the biggest concerns patients face before deciding to go through with a plastic surgery.

You used to be taking a gamble on whether you would like your results, but Crisalix allows patients to have a preview of their results in real-time to make sure they like their planned procedure achieves their goals.

5. You Need to Take Care of Your Implants Like You Would Any Other Part of Your Body

Following your augmentation surgery, your implants will become yet another aspect of your body that must be taken care of and maintained.

Following your procedure, you need to make sure to follow all post-operative instructions given to you by your surgeon.

These steps will tell you exactly how to care for yourself and your wounds to ensure the most optimal recovery.

As few of the most common and important instructions are to:

  1. Make sure you are getting an ample amount of rest
  2. Avoid strenuous activities until you are cleared by your surgeon
  3. Avoid direct sunlight on your wounds (this can worsen scarring)
  4. Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Some women feel as though they can forget about the maintenance of their implants after their initial recovery period.

While your recovery is essential to the lasting health of your implants, you will need to be mindful of your implants throughout the entirety of their lifespans. Implants must be supported by wearing a well-fitting bra.

Avoiding a bra, or wearing a bra that is an inappropriate size or does not provide adequate support can weaken the tissues and create premature breast sagging. Significant sagging (breast ptosis) can be repaired with a breast lift.

In addition to the daily maintenance, women should have their silicone implants examined every two years.

This examination will be performed by an MRI or an ultrasound to be sure that there are no signs of weakness or rupture.

Have More Questions?

For more information about breast augmentation, or to find a breast augmentation near you, contact Dr. Careaga at Careaga Plastic Surgery by calling (305) 960-7511 or by filling out our online contact form.

Dr. Careaga offers a variety of breast surgeries for women in the Coral Gables and Miami areas.
