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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Breast Lift with Implants – Miami Combination Procedure

Posted December 05, 2014 in Plastic Surgery

These days, not only is aesthetic enhancement acceptable, it’s also quite popular. One procedure that provides a great deal of enhancement for patients is the breast lift with implants, which features a breast lift and breast augmentation.

The breast lift with implants is a combination procedure, meaning one in which multiple surgeries are done in a single session. The benefits of surgeries like this are numerous. One such benefit is that there is only a single recovery period. This is much easier on the body and your busy schedule than multiple recovery periods would be.

Experienced medical professional Dr. Daniel Careaga is available to discuss the breast lift with implants in further detail. For an evaluation at Careaga Plastic Surgery Center, contact our office today and arrange a consultation.
