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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Endoscopic Forehead Lift – Incisions Miami

Posted July 25, 2014 in Plastic Surgery

For long-lasting brow rejuvenation, the forehead lift is a perfect choice. If you’ve decided that you’re ready to learn more about forehead lifts, you may be trying to decide between the traditional and endoscopic forehead lift methods.

If you’re trying to decide between an endoscopic forehead lift and a tradition forehead lift, consider the incision marks. An endoscopic forehead lift features the use of small, easily concealable incisions that will blend into the hairline. A traditional lift’s incision, on the other hand, is much larger.

The best way to make your decision regarding the endoscopic forehead lift and other lift options is with the assistance of a qualified medical professional. Dr. Daniel Careaga, a surgeon who performs endoscopic forehead lifts, can tell you more about the procedure and can offer his years of medical experience. Contact our office today and arrange a consultation.
