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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Fat Transfer – Miami Brazilian Butt Lift

Posted January 17, 2014 in Plastic Surgery

Fat Transfer

A great butt isn’t just a fantasy – you can build up that butt with a Brazilian butt lift! This popular procedure enhances the beauty of the booty using plastic surgery techniques like liposuction and fat transfer injections. Why not get the butt you’ve been waiting for?

What is fat transfer? Part of a Brazilian butt lift, this technique involves taking fat cells out of trouble areas of the body and moving them to the buttocks. And for fat transfer, it’s out with the bad cells and in with the good. The fat cells that were suctioned out get processed for quality, and the dead and damaged cells are tossed in favor of the live ones.

The live fat cells have a better chance of surviving in the new area. Once they’re injected into the butt, it will look curvaceous, round, and better than ever! To find out more about fat transfer, speak with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel Careaga. Dr. Careaga’s years of experience make him perfect for answering any questions you may have. Set up an appointment by contacting our office.
