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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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How Can I Ensure a Natural-Looking Brazilian Butt Lift?

Posted October 16, 2020 in Brazilian Butt Lift

2 Minute Read: 

Woman will firm, round buttocks on a black background. This demonstrates results possible with BBL.One of the biggest concerns for women considering cosmetic surgery is the appearance of unnatural or artificial-looking results. Women want curves—but they want natural-looking curves, especially when desiring to flaunt their newly enhanced derrière on a Miami beach!

Fortunately, with the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), natural-looking results are not only possible but guaranteed as you are using a natural augmenting material to enhance your butt. 

How Can Fat Transfer Make for More Realistic Results?

Butt augmentation can be achieved with several techniques. These techniques include butt implants (the traditional method) and fat transfer (the more advanced Brazilian Butt Lift). While butt implants can create natural-looking roundness, fullness, and lift, it cannot always match the natural curves of the Brazilian Butt Lift.

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a unique technique that uses your body’s fat cells to provide a larger, fuller, rounder, and higher-sitting buttocks. While implants can cause an unnatural feeling and movement in the butt, fat transfer allows your results to feel and move in the same way your natural tissue would—as it uses fat cells instead of implants. 

Additionally, butt implants can result in an artificial shape compared to the more natural definition produced from fat transfer results. 

Why Should I Choose a Brazilian Butt Lift Over Butt Implants? 

Dissimilar to butt implants, fat transfer utilizes harvested fat cells from areas of your body where unwanted fat deposits are in surplus. This butt enhancement method requires liposuction—where a cannula is inserted into the donor area to loosen and suction out the fat. Once the fat removed with liposuction is purified and processed, it is reinjected into various areas of your butt. 

As the fat is repurposed, each cheek is carefully sculpted and shaped evenly. Patients can be sure that their fat will be grafted in smooth and contoured layers. 

What Are Other Benefits of Fat Transfer for My Butt Augmentation?

Butt implants require larger incisions to place the implants, resulting in scarring along the natural creases between the cheeks and thighs or between the butt cheeks. The Brazilian Butt Lift does not result in any scarring on the butt (since the fat is injected), and the scars that develop from liposuction will be minimal and will fade with time. 

Interested in Learning More?

To learn more about plastic surgery for the butt and the best solutions for your cosmetic needs, contact Careaga Plastic Surgery by calling (305) 960-7511 or filling out our online contact form.
