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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Lipoplasty – Liposuction Treatment Options Miami

Posted January 23, 2015 in Plastic Surgery

Lipoplasty, more commonly known as liposuction, is a surgical treatment that helps patients recontour their bodies, trimming away those embarrassing pockets of fat that nobody wants to be stuck with. With this procedure, you can get the body you’ve been hoping for.

Are you experiencing troublesome fatty deposits in the hips, knees, chest (for men), arms, neck, abdomen, thighs, waist, jawline, buttocks, or back? If so, lipoplasty may be the perfect procedure to remove these fatty tissues and resculpt your body. Lipoplasty can remove fat cells from multiple areas to provide comprehensive volume reduction.

Experienced surgeon Dr. Daniel Careaga has the skills needed to provide expert lipoplasty and more to patients in the Miami area. Make an appointment for a lipoplasty consultation today by contacting our office.
