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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Neck Lift Procedure – Facelift Miami Neck Rejuvenation

Posted December 12, 2014 in Plastic Surgery

The neck lift procedure, typically performed as part of a facelift, is a way to rejuvenate the aging tissues of the area, restoring the neck to a more youthful and beautiful state.

At the start of your neck lift procedure, general anesthesia will be administered. General anesthesia is necessary to prevent patients from feeling any sort of pain during surgical procedures. Instead, they are sleeping comfortably throughout. Once the neck lift procedure is complete, patients awaken and can be taken home by a friend or family member.

Find out more about the neck lift procedure, the facelift procedure, and your aesthetic options – contact our office and set up a consultation. During a consultation, Dr. Daniel Careaga answers your questions and ensures that you fully understand the procedure.
