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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Partial Tummy Tuck – Miami Liposuction Procedure

Posted October 10, 2014 in Plastic Surgery

The partial tummy tuck, a less invasive version of the full tummy tuck procedure, is employed to remove excess skin from the lower abdomen and tighten the muscle tissues. Fatty tissue can also be taken out.

Liposuction is the procedure used to remove excess fat during the partial tummy tuck. Liposuction, or fatty tissue removal, is a popular procedure for medically suctioning out the stubborn fat that can form on the lower abdomen and create a pooch or spare tire. With a cannula – a thin tube with a pointed end – stubborn fat can be broken down and then removed.

For more information regarding the partial tummy tuck, the full tummy tuck, and numerous other surgical procedures, contact our office and set up a consultation. Skilled surgeon Dr. Daniel Careaga is happy to explain the procedure in greater detail.
